Your Natal Astrology Chart is created according to your birth date, and where the planets were at the time of your birth. Your Natal Chart is your script for this lifetime, and tells you what you’ve come to the earth plane to do. By interpreting your Natal Chart we can see what people think of you, and how they view you as a person. We can determine what talents you brought with you in this life to make a living for yourself and how much money you’re going to have to spend while you’re here. We can also see what kind of possessions you’re going to be drawn towards owning. We can also see how you’re going to be educated. The Karma that you have with your brothers and sisters if any. How many children you’re going to have. And whether or not you’re going to be married, and how many times. We can tell you what to expect from your health and how you’re going to die. We can determine how your friendships will go, and what kind of organizations you’ll belong to. Your Natal Script a perfect gift that you can give yourself to find out what you can expect from yourself, and your earth journey.
Our Natal Charts are one hour long, and we record them on flash/thumb drives so that you can listen to them again and again. We’ll also supply you with a copy of your Natal Chart so that you can follow along with the interpretation and get to know yourself a little better.
Our Natal Charts are done by hand, the old fashioned way for accuracy. No computers are used. And that’s because computer generated charts will be the same for everyone born on that particular day. Our Natal Charts are unique only to you.
Our Natal Charts are $150.00 which includes postage and the flash/thumb drive. When ordering your Natal Chart please include your birth date, your birth time, and your place of birth. But don’t worry if you don’t have your birth time. Unlike modern astrology that uses midnight as a birth time for anyone who doesn’t know their birth time, we can determine your real birth time if you supply a picture of yourself when ordering.
Our Natal Charts take two to three weeks to complete. So please be patient.
When we do a Natal Chart for you, it’s like taking a snap shot of the night sky and interpreting where the planets were at the time of your birth and what it means to you.
But, once we take the snap shot of the night sky at the time of your birth, the stars and planets keep moving. So, on your first birthday, we can take another snap shot of the sky, and prepare a Progression Chart to see how the planets are going to affect you for the next year.
So, your Natal Astrology Chart tell us what’s going to happen to you over the course of your life, and the Progression Chart tells us exactly when these things are going to happen.
It doesn’t matter what age you are, whether your six or sixty, we can still create a hand drawn for accuracy Progressed Astrology Chart and tell you what’s going to go on for the year ahead. We also include a month by month forecast for the next twelve months so that you can get a better and more specific idea of what to plan for. And, we include a copy of your Progressed Astrology Chart so that you can follow along with our interpretation.
Our Progressed Astrology Charts are $150.00 which includes postage and the flash/thumb drive for viewing the video. When ordering your Natal Chart please include your birth date, your birth time, and your place of birth. But don’t worry if you don’t have your birth time. Unlike modern astrology that uses midnight as a birth time for anyone who doesn’t know their birth time, we can determine your real birth time if you supply a picture of yourself when ordering.
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A Horary Chart is done for a certain moment in time. For example you may want to have a chart done for a wedding. Or, the Grand Opening of a business enterprise. Or, you may want to solve and crime and find out who done it.
For this chart, you’ll want to supply the time of the event, or happening along with the names of the people involved. We’ll send you an interpretation, a flash/thumb drive and a copy of the Horary Chart so that you can follow along with our interpretation.
Our Horary Charts are $100.00 and run from forty five minutes to an hour.
Our Horary Charts are done by hand for accuracy and take two to three weeks to complete.
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Compatibility charts are done by comparing two people’s Progressed Astrology Charts and determining the amount of compatibility between them. We also focus on the Karma that’s brought the two people together and what they’re going to be working on between them.
This chart can be done for two people about to embark on a love relationship, or who already have. Or for a boss and a potential employee. Or two business partners.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know why you’ve been drawn to another person in such an intimate encounter? And, wouldn’t it be nice to know what to expect from your relationship, whether it be love, work, or business?
For a Compatibility Chart we need the birth dates of the two people, the birth times and the birth places.
Our Astrological Compatibility Charts are $150.00 and are one hour long, recorded on a flash/thumb drive for your convenience. Our Compatibility Charts are done by hand for accuracy.
Compatibility Charts take two to three weeks to complete so please be patient.
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A one year Subscription to The Book of Alexia will arrive in your mail box every month for a year for $35.00. Enjoy articles about Numerology, Astrology, and the Future. Plus your personal Horoscope for the month ahead.
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A one year Subscription to The Book Alexia will arrive in your computer's inbox every month for a year for $25.00. Enjoy articles about Numerology, Astrology, and the Future. Plus your own personal Horoscope for the month ahead.
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